Training Tour 2015 - Day 7

The training took place on High Vinnals. John got stuck behind another slow black Ford driver (why are there so many in Shropshire this week?) and found the correct car park on the second attempt. Training included skill selection and slope-o. This was followed by distractions.

Several members of the club were led off in the wrong direction before they managed to look at their maps. Helen wanted a long lunch break and everyone else got cold. Rowan directed the jumping-in-a-line warm-up. The afternoon session included a three person relay. This was followed by control collecting. After it had been checked that the collection had taken place properly, we returned to the bunkhouse.

Zuzka had planned CastleO around Clun castle. Once it got dark and she managed to select some working SI boxes we walked to the castle. By this point, one of the SI boxes had broken (battery issues) but it was a nice course around the hill.

Helen was still out hanging controls (after 3.5hrs) by the time tea was ready. Zuzka burnt some apples in the kitchen but managed to make an acceptable crumble. The evening trivia included: national flowers, collective nouns for animals; fish and Oxbridge. Rory presented the tour awards to all the relatives of the CUOC family.

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