JK Day 3


We also recommend checking the DrongO website for an alternative view on the JK

All classes had a long race today. For some, that meant another long race, for the elites it meant a really long race. Bigland has a mixture of terrain. There is some undulating fell with intricate contour detail, wooded marshes, fast open fell, and steep rocky woodland.

John managed to find the first control without too much difficulty today, and it probably set him up for a slightly better race. John and Dan finished adjacent in the results today, with John 33 seconds ahead of Dan. Overall John and Dan are again adjacent, but Dan is ahead by about 7 minutes. If all 3 days are considered, the results are as below. Interestingly if the daily positions are summed John and Dan have the same total of 367 (which is also a prime number).

Day 1Day 2Day 3Total
John21:5665:30162:57248:143 (250:23)

Exponentially fitting the day number vs time data, suggests John and Dan will finish with a time of about 7 hours tomorrow.

Dan has pointed out that the daily report should list what classes people are on. At the moment, it looks like Helen and Rory have done quite well, and that everyone else hasn’t. Dan also pointed out that Miranda is at the JK. Miranda is CUOC star of the day (yes - I know we haven't awarded it any other days) for coming first on W20L. Please any other CUOC results omissions to the (webmaster)

On the Pruzina shopping trip yesterday it has been reported that Dan was sent off to try and find some marbles. Whether they think he’s lost his marbles or whether they just wanted a few minutes without him is unclear.

Day 3 Results

Full day 3 results

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