Freshers' Races

NameFreshers' Races
LocationLammas Land (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps)
Activity ID21933
NotesTry orienteering!
ResultsResults Splits

A fun introduction to orienteering in Cambridge. All welcome - whether you're already experienced or have barely even heard of it.

We'll be at Lammas land (specifically at the kite marked on the map above) from about 2pm to 3pm and there'll be a number of different courses - you can do as many as you like!

Please click 'going' on Facebook so we can gauge numbers


==What is Orienteering?

Orienteering is navigation against the clock: competitors are given a map and have to make their way around a series of points in the fastest time possible. The sport is a fun test of both physical and mental speed, it's also a really great way to explore new places. As a club we run races all over Cambridge and in vacation go on trips to more wild areas both in the UK and abroad- last year we went to Shropshire and Norway.

==What should I wear?

Something you'd feel comfortable running in outdoors- e.g. jogging bottoms and trainers. Do bring clothing appropriate for the weather!

==Do I need to have my own equipment?

Definitely not! The training is free and maps, compasses and electronic timing will be provided- and there will be friendly orienteers on hand to show you how to use them

==Where is it?

The races will be at Lammas Land (see map above). Look out for the CUOC banner (feather flag) and other orienteers

Please email the captain if you have any more questions

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